Well, I am Kathi (actually it's Katharina but please, don't call me like that!) and I'm 24 years young from Hamburg, Germany. After I finished my apprenticeship in Germany I thought NOW would be the best time to move abroad (again!) for a year to wide the horizon and to collect as much experiences as possible. And to find myself.
Doing the same stuff for 3 years got a bit boring so something new, something challenging got a go for me. The best way for me moving abroad for a year was the way of being an Au-Pair so I applied via aupairworld.net and found a family there in The Netherlands.
I wanted to go to the Netherlands because I like this country a lot (I have been there several times before over the years and it still fascinated me, I don't know why exactly but yes...) so I moved there in August and now I have 12 months to explore this awesome country and to improve my dutch.
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