There are 5 tips for packing your suitcase if you are leaving for a longer time or even for vocation as the luggage is always limited.
1. Kind of obvious but seriously, do a packing list in advance and don't do that list last minute. It makes sure that you take everything with you and don't forget anything. Also, don't pack on the day of the departure as you will forget something anyway then.
2. If you leave for a longer period, you might need a lot of clothes and of course, you can't take your whole wardrobe with you. The easiest way to sort your clothes out is to pack just clothes in your suitcase which you wore the last 2 months. Seriously, that makes picking your clothes out a lot easier!
3. While packing, make sure that the heavy things like shoes are on the ground of the suitcase.
4. Also, because of the limited space, it's a quite good idea to put your socks or so into your shoes as this doesn't cost any more needable space for more important things.
5. If you have any space on the border of your suitcase, roll your T-Shirts into a roll and put them into that space! Also you can put your shampoo etc. wrapped in a plastic bag into those spaces.